Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Slogan Contest

The Lincoln Public Library is continuing its search for a new slogan. We need a slogan which effectively blends the concept of the library’s vision and mission, history and place in the community into one concise phrase. Anyone 14 years of age or older is eligible to enter.

Winners win a $100 Chapters gift certificate. The slogan will be used by the library for all its marketing initiatives.

To enter, see the library's website for an entry form or email your entry with your name, age, email address, home address and telephone number to info@lincoln.library.on.ca

The deadline for entries is November 23, 2007.

November Adult Book Group

The Adult Book Group will meet on November 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fleming Branch. The topic will be ‘Current Reading’.

For more information, contact Jill Nicholson, 905-563-7014.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Library Strategic Plan 2007-2010

The Lincoln Public Library Board has recently approved a new Strategic Plan for 2007-2010. It has now been posted for public viewing on the Library's website.

Please take a look at where the Board plans to take the Library over the next three years.


Canadian Public Library Monty/Ontario Public Library Week

Libraries:The World At Your Fingertips:

Each year, during the third week of October, public libraries across the province celebrate Ontario Public Library Week. Ontario Public Library Week was first announced by the province in 1985, and has since become the annual focus for promoting library services in Ontario. This year Ontario Public Library Week coincides with Canadian Library Month, so libraries across all of Canada will be celebrating.

Ontario Public Library week recognizes the important contribution Ontario's libraries make to the economic health and quality of life in our communities through their role in preserving and providing access to information in all its forms. Come celebrate with us today!